Imparting knowledge in its true form to future generations is the duty of every single Muslim. One of the most effective methods of fulfilling this obligation is the provision of supporting Dawah projects.
Shaikh Assim al-Hakeem
Imparting knowledge in its true form to future generations is the duty of every single Muslim. One of the most effective methods of fulfilling this obligation is the provision of supporting Dawah projects.
Over the last 13 years An-Naseeha have benefited over 1.4 million people around the world.
We strive to help Muslims reconnect and come closer to Allah through quality learning. Our ethos has always been of excellence.
We continuously endeavour to convey authentic Islamic knowledge devoid of any cultural interpretations, extremism or sectarianism. Our focus is to invite people to the true teachings of Islam in both beliefs and practices, with the aim for all Muslims to become ambassadors of peace in their societies around the world.
Make a donation today and earn the reward of helping to convey authentic Islamic knowledge around the globe.